Trumpets2Heaven was created by Allen Murdock, a brass musician dedicated to using his gifts and interests in brass performance to:
Point others to Christ and glorify him through music. This drives the name of Trumpets pointing others to Heaven through inspired Christian music
Provide a platform for Christian musicians to share information in creating and performing Christian-based music in their local churches
Support my local church, Country Acres Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas
Support local student musicians at all education levels to obtain instruments and resources to glorify Christ
Encourage constant learning and sharing for preparing and performing Christian Music
Allen was raised in the Fundamental Bible Baptist Church of Wellington, Texas. He started playing the trumpet in the fifth grade at the age of 11 and performed his first offertory at the age of 12. He was a member of That Skyrocket Band in high school and participated in Texas All-Region Bands, Solo and Ensemble Contests, and Future Farmers of America. He was a member of the 1978 All-American Band and toured Europe with that band before attending college. Allen was a music major for two years at Tarleton State University, where he played lead trumpet in several bands, and drum major of the marching band his sophomore year.
In the fall of 1980, Allen changed his career focus to accounting but continued to play the trumpet as a hobby with friends and church. He is currently a member of the orchestra at Country Acres Baptist Church. Allen is blessed to have a B Flat Trumpet, Piccolo trumpet, Herald Trumpet, Bass Trumpet, Flugelhorn, several Bugles, a Shofar, and Euphonium. Through his wife’s antique business, he obtains and donates instruments to beginner musicians at local school districts. He is currently experimenting with special effects through pedals and amplifiers used in brass instrument performance.